Monday, December 31, 2007

"NitroBlueprint "part 2

Nitroblueprint, it's a system that claims it can show you how to build a extremely profitable business, even up to 6 figures!, by following its simple steps.

The program guides you by the hand into the dark and scary place called the internet. Promising you that if you just take a simple leap you will be able to make it, all you have to do is trust in what they have to say and do what they tell you to do!

At first I was extremely skeptical of their claims, but after reading one of their ebooks on affiliate marketing. I am 100% sure that they not only know what they are talking about, they also care about their reputation. (People who sell hyped up promises never care how they look after a sale has been made) When a company cares about how they look after a sale has been made then you know they care about your success.

I am going to rate Nitroblueprint's system a 9/10, your going to have to work, but overall it will pay off if you put its practices to use.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

"NitroBlueprint" Review

After searching for a very! long time I have come across some extremely useful free information about how to make money online. It is from a team that has been extremely successful with starting up businesses and has been able to put all of the "how to's" into simple steps. is their name.

At first I thought that they were a group who wanted to do nothing more than to take my money while leaving me high and dry. But, the more I looked into their program I found that, even if you don't buy their system, they are still willing to disclose valuable information that every person wanting to make a profit online should hear! just Go here (Nitro Resource Site ) and read the "Dirty Laundry Report" and watch the free videos, they will give you tips and great advice on a number of topics. They literally guide you by the hand.

Again click here to get to that site.

It might have just the information you have been looking for to put some cash in your pocket, or at least show you in what direction you should be traveling.

P.S. I will keep be keeping an eye on their system and researching just how well others have liked it. So far around 3 people I have talked to bought their full system and are doing very well because of it. In fact they pretty much swear by it, it will be interesting to see where the Nitroblueprint system has taken people. the fact that they posted "the Dirty Laundry report" is evidence enough that they are a legitimate group.

Friday, December 28, 2007

AdSense has some competition?

As I was browsing the web for legitimate ways to make a profit online, I stumbled upon something interesting. It is an ad, like AdSense, that can be placed directly on your site. Unlike AdSense, with this Ad you get paid for a "click" every time someone visits your site. It is called Pay-Per-Play, when someone visits your site the Ad will play a 5 second clip. They are from companies such as; Harley Davidson, Taco Bell, ect. and they are cut off after the 5 second mark.

Now when I heard about this I though "great Idea, but who wants to hear an ad every time they go to a website?". Then I thought back to all of the sites who have video ad's on their websites that last for like 40 seconds. They really aren't that bad! especially since when most people are on there computer they are listening to music, watching Tv, or don't even have their volume up. So how are they going to notice a 5 second blip? Not to mention, You still get credit for those page views even if they Don't hear the Ad!

I give it a 7/10 because you still have to do quiet a bit of work if you want to make a consistent profit. But it is extremely easy to setup, completely free, and their really is no reason not to be apart of it.

If you want to look into this for yourself......Click Here.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

"Reverse Funnel","Global Domains International", and "CashCrate"

Last night and today I have been researching a lot of "Money making Systems" while also paying attention to my Cashcrate account for any activity. I have looked over Money making systems like "the reverse funnel" and am still looking into "Global Domain International" or .ws.

The "Reverse Funnel" seems to be an MLM that requires you to pay $50 to join up, supposedly weeding out those who don't actually want to put anything into it...(If you ask me it's just another way for the upline elite to make more money. ) Anyways, after you sign up you are supposedly given all the tools and information needed to make butt loads of money. But before you can do that you need to be willing to invest $1,000-$3,000 in some sort of product, from what I read it was a timeshare, and then you must also work on marketing the product. YouTube is cluttered with hundreds of "Reverse Funnel" promotion videos, each one with a different link to another persons referral page. The whole point is to market "the system" because the more people in your downline making money the more you can make. It's an MLM...that is said to work, but not nearly as well as they proclaim and you must be willing to fork out a whole lot of cash for this investment. If you have that much cash on you, why not create your own MLM and start from the top, because it's those on the top making the big bucks. The internet is so cluttered with marketing from other people trying to get referrals, for that same site, that you might as well forget stumbling upon a decent downline without putting forth a whole lot of effort.

"Global International Domains" is still an MLM and probably has the exact same problem, but their offer is much more appealing so far. They offer to give you a .ws domain name, host the site for you, and give you a dollar every month your referrals continue to pay for the service. It costs $10 a month for the service and you collect on the payments of your downline from five levels below you. In theory it can add up very fast and the cost to join is reasonably cheap. The question is, How hard is it to get dedicated referrals underneath you? and how can you make sure that your downline starts to make good money as well?

And last of all Cashcrate, it is a paid survey website that allows people to make money right off the bat without paying a dime. You register and then start taking surveys, soon after that you will be credited for taking those surveys and make a profit of about $.50 a survey. I started to do this about 4 days ago and have already started to notice things.

1. It is very time consuming to do the surveys
2.they don't pay much
3. some surveys will let you go so far and then abruptly stop before allowing you to complete them.
4. I have completed around 40 surveys so far. I have only been credited for $8.35 with $15.45 still pending.
5. The surveys rarely credit to your account.
6. There is a limited amount of surveys you can take, especially free ones.

Overall my experience so far is a bad one. This too has an MLM system, and if I was to refer someone to this paid survey site, or any for that matter. I could see them becoming very frustrated with it and quiting, which is what I want to do. Something about spending over 3 hours of work and only getting a profit of $8.35 is very disheartening. Not to mention that in order to make the "big bucks" I would need to advertise my referral link all over the web. Around 90% of people would just look over it, the 10% that did look at it might possibly have 3% join, and from the 3% that join about 90% of them would quit. So basically out of everyone hundred people that see the link only about 1 person will put forth enough effort to make you some actual money, because you sure can't make it just by completing the surveys.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Little About Me

I am a college Student who is unemployed and being attacked by bills, and it isn't fun! So I am in search of a way to earn money online without wasting hours of my crucial studying time or taking out hefty loans. Throughout the next few weeks I will be researching all over the web for legitimate money making opportunities, and posting them up here of course. I want to make sure that if I am able to succeed anyone reading this blog can be able to succeed also!

If you are visiting my blog and happen to have information that could help in this search, please message me! :-) I will be extremely grateful!


Here are a few simple tips when starting.

1. create a spam email address and use that one for everything
2. get a free fake phone number to use at
3. Complete offers on a steady basis.
4. download a program called RoboForm, it will fill out information for you and save you a lot of time!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jumping on the Money making Train!

Like many others I NEED to make money and like many others...I don't want to spend much time doing it! Luckily I have found a few completely free sites that are willing to pay a lot of money to those willing to fill out simple Surveys. They also pay referral bonuses if you let some of your friends in on this great opportunity!

One of the sites I have made money off of is called CashCrate it allows you to take simple surveys to make fast cash. I filled out about 20 surveys in an hour, equaling around $20. Multiply that by 7 days a week and im doing pretty good! the trick is to do it everyday though! if I do it only once a month then it's going to seem like a waste of my time.

here is the Link:

Their are more sites like it, I will make a list and review them as time goes on.