Friday, December 28, 2007

AdSense has some competition?

As I was browsing the web for legitimate ways to make a profit online, I stumbled upon something interesting. It is an ad, like AdSense, that can be placed directly on your site. Unlike AdSense, with this Ad you get paid for a "click" every time someone visits your site. It is called Pay-Per-Play, when someone visits your site the Ad will play a 5 second clip. They are from companies such as; Harley Davidson, Taco Bell, ect. and they are cut off after the 5 second mark.

Now when I heard about this I though "great Idea, but who wants to hear an ad every time they go to a website?". Then I thought back to all of the sites who have video ad's on their websites that last for like 40 seconds. They really aren't that bad! especially since when most people are on there computer they are listening to music, watching Tv, or don't even have their volume up. So how are they going to notice a 5 second blip? Not to mention, You still get credit for those page views even if they Don't hear the Ad!

I give it a 7/10 because you still have to do quiet a bit of work if you want to make a consistent profit. But it is extremely easy to setup, completely free, and their really is no reason not to be apart of it.

If you want to look into this for yourself......Click Here.

1 comment:

Lynn and Rick said...


Interesting concept. It's time consuming just to do the research.

What are you studying?
